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We opened on April 5th, 2012!. Ascended Gifts, Llc is where you can find a wide range of all religious and spiritual beliefs. We carry products beginning with Angelic and ending in Zen. We base our shop and our "hand selected" spiritual products on positive light and love. From Angelic Bibles, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Astrology, Crystals, Fairies, Native American, Numerology, Eastern (Buddhism, Hindu, etc..), Pagan, through Wicca. We also carry various Meditation Music Cd's, Candles, Rosaries, Crucifixes, Crosses, Blessing & Anointing Oils, Incense, Herbs, Smudging Tools, Tarot Decks, Oracle Decks, and a wide range of Spiritual books. We accept all "Major" Credit * "Debit" Cards at our Shop! Our Spiritual Shop is based on the belief that our customers' "spiritual" needs are of the utmost importance. We believe in helping others to continue along on their own spiritual journey, by continuing our own spiritual studies and advancement in the Spiritual Arts. We offer the following services to our clients and to our customers (just to name a few): Angelic Oracle card readings, Tarot readings, Angelic Aura Chakra Clearing, Home Cleansings & Blessings, Hot Stone Massage, Crystal Healing Classes, Meditation Classes, Spirit Message Circle gatherings, World Healing Prayer gatherings, and Reiki Classes. Our entire team is committed to meeting your spiritually based needs as best as we can. We dedicate ourselves to continue to learn, study, and teach others. As a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat customers and referrals. We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry. We value all "spiritual" levels, and welcome various "Spiritual Artists" to come visit us and share your gifts. For more information about the products and the sercives offered, please call our business phone number or you may contact us @

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